; PureBASIC 5 - Syntax Highlighting Example Enumeration Test 3 Step 10 #Constant_One ; Will be 3 #Constant_Two ; Will be 13 EndEnumeration A.i = #Constant_One B = A + 3 STRING.s = SomeProcedure("Hello World", 2, #Empty$, #Null$) ESCAPED_STRING$ = ~"An escaped (\\) string!\nNewline..." FixedString.s{5} = "12345" Macro XCase(Type, Text) Type#Case(Text) EndMacro StrangeProcedureCall ("This command is split " + "over two lines") ; Line continuation example If B > 3 : X$ = "Concatenation of commands" : Else : X$ = "Using colons" : EndIf Declare.s Attach(String1$, String2$) Procedure.s Attach(String1$, String2$) ProcedureReturn String1$+" "+String2$ EndProcedure